引用本文:漆学智 吉长福 石 宏 何 伟 尚红艳 王晓宇 景向红 朱 兵.功能性肠病患者敏化穴位的分布[J].世界中医药,2013,8(3):.  
Distribution of Sensitized Acupoints on Patients with Functional Intestinal Disorder
中文关键词:  压痛阈值  穴位敏化  功能性肠病
English Keywords:Pressure pain threshould  Sensitized acupoints  Functional intestinal disorder
漆学智 吉长福 石 宏 何 伟 尚红艳 王晓宇 景向红 朱 兵 中国中医科学院针灸研究所北京100072 
摘要点击次数: 1191
全文下载次数: 1054
      目的:临床验证穴位在疾病状态下是否存在痛觉敏化及穴位面积的改变。方法:采用电子Von Fray测定了正常人、功能性肠病患者与胃肠疾病相关的13个穴位及其周围1寸、2寸、同神经节段的参照点的压痛阈值,并和穴位异神经节段的参照点做比较,求得其穴位的相对压痛阈值,和正常健康志愿者的相对压痛阈值进行比较,分析功能性肠病患者体表相关敏化穴位的分布和痛敏感度变化。结果:功能性肠病患者的足三里、上巨虚、下巨虚穴的压痛阈值显著下降(P<005),其旁开1寸和2寸及其同神经节段非穴位点的压痛阈值较正常对照组显著下降(P<005),阴陵泉穴位及其旁开1寸的压痛阈值与对照组比较有显著下降(P<005)。功能性肠病便秘患者在疾病状态下,曲池及其同神经节的压痛阈值、大肠俞的压痛阈值与正常对照组比较显著下降(P<005),处于痛敏感状态。结论:功能性肠病患者会出现某些穴位的痛敏和痛敏的范围增大,说明穴位处于敏化状态。敏化的穴位不只是一个点,而是一个相对敏感的功能区域,其在病理状态下反应更加敏感,反映疾病的功能增强。
English Summary:
      To observe the hyperalgesia of acupoints due to functional intestine disorder and detect the area of sensitized acupoints.Methods:We measured the pressure pain threshold (PPT) by electronic von fray. PPT was detected and compared among patients of functional intestine disorders and normal control on 13 acupoint related to intestinal disorders, 1cun, 2cun beside the acupioints, the control point in hemosegement and heterosegement.Results:1) the PPTs of acupoints ST 36, ST 37, ST 39, SP9; 1cun, 2cun beside the acupioints, the control point in hemosegement in patients decreased significantly compared with the control group(P<005); 2) the PPTs of acupoints LI11 and BL25 in patients of functional constipation decreased significantly compared with the control group(P<005).Conclusion:The results indicated that acupoints were not settled in a fixed point but in a certain area. Some acupoints could be sensitized as well as the sensitive area of acupoints were widen during pathological process.
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