引用本文:庞 博 王世东 赵进喜 李 靖 肖永华 王颖辉 董 菲.再论吕仁和诊治糖尿病“六对论治”思路与方法[J].世界中医药,2013,8(3):.  
Thoughts and Methods of Professor Lv Renhe in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diabetes with “Six Ways”
中文关键词:  学术思想/糖尿病; 中医药疗法  @ 吕仁和
English Keywords:Diabetes/ Chinese medical therapy  @ Lv Renhe  Academic Thoughts
庞 博 王世东 赵进喜 李 靖 肖永华 王颖辉 董 菲 1 中国中医科学院广安门医院北京100053 2 北京中医药大学东直门医院肾病内分泌科二区北京100700 3 北京王府中西医结合医院北京102209 
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English Summary:
      Professor Lv Renhe is a TCM expert of Diabetes and Nephropathy in Dongzhimen hospital affiliated to Beijing University of Chinese Medicine (BUCM), and he inherited the academic thoughts from Professor Shi Jinmo and Zhu Shenyu. He emphasizes the combination of pathogenesis, the stage of disease, the syndrome of disease and the symptoms of disease during the process of diagnosis and treatment. With the guidance of holism conception and syndrome differentiation and treatment, he established the thought and method of “six ways for relative symptoms” on the basis of long term medical practice, including treatment on disease differentiation, treatment on the combination of disease and syndrome differentiation, treatment according different stages,treatment on different symptoms, treatment on the combination of disease and syndrome differentiation accoding to different symptoms.
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