Data-fitting on the Smoke Density, Optical Density and PM 10 Density of Moxa based on Least Square Method
中文关键词:  艾烟  艾灸  遮光率  可吸入颗粒物  针灸
English Keywords:Moxa Smoke  Moxibustion  Shading Rate  PM  Acupunture
韩丽1,2,赵迁3,刘平2,4,杨佳2,黄畅2,哈略2,和蕊2,王昊2,惠鑫2,潘秀颉5,赵百孝2 1 北京中医药大学养生学研究所北京100029 2 北京中医药大学针灸推拿学院北京100029 3 北京新能源汽车有限公司北京102606 4 华北电网有限公司北京电力医院北京100073 5 中国人民解放军军事医学科学院北京100039 
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      目的:基于最小二乘法对艾烟浓度检测中的光学浓度和PM10质量浓度进行数据拟合,实现数据间的折算。方法:以CSED-A气体染毒仪和HOPE-MED 8050系动式染毒柜进行光学浓度检测,以遮光率(%)表示;以P5L2C便携式微电脑粉尘仪检测艾烟中可吸入颗粒物PM10浓度,以质量浓度(mg/m3)表示。采用P5L2C光散射式数字微电脑粉尘测试仪分别监测不同染毒柜染毒腔内不同遮光率水平的艾烟的质量浓度,监测时采样口原则上与鼠的高度一致,进行多个遮光率的多次质量-体积浓度的监测,每个浓度重复3次。采用最小二乘法,运用MATLAB分别对CSED-A气体染毒仪和HOPE-MED 8050系列动式染毒柜进行曲线拟合,以实现数据间的折算。结果:CSED-A气体染毒仪的拟合公式f(t)=414.4403*t^2+263.8095*t-3.0725 r2=85.8315;HOPE-MED 8050系列动式染毒柜的拟合公式f(t)=182.3730*t^2+141.2080*t+4.4667 r2=3.7984。结论:实现通过拟合公式对艾烟光学浓度和PM10质量浓度进行折算,对今后艾烟实验的进行起到指导作用。
English Summary:
      Based on the least square method, to data fit the optical density and PM10 mass concentration of moxa smoke, and to realize the conversion between the optical density and PM10 mass concentration. Methods: The optical density were tested by CSED-A automatic exposure device and HOPE-MED 8050 automatic exposure device, and expressed as a shading rate (%); and the concentration of particulates of PM10 in moxa smoke was detected by P5L2C portable microcomputer instrument, and expressed as a mass concentration (mg/m3). When different shading rates were set up separately in chambers, the mass concentrations of PM10 were detected 3 mins for three times. Therefore, every shading rate could be expressed in PM10. The optical density in both device and mass concentration of MP10 were curve fitted using the least square method. Results: The fitting formula in CSED-A was f (t)=t ^ 2 + 263.8095 * 414.4403 * t-3.0725 r2=85.8315 and the fitting formula in HOPE-MED 8050 was f (t)=t + t ^ 2 + 182.3730 * 182.3730 * 4.4667 r2=3.7984. Conclusion: The optical density and PM10 mass concentration of moxa smoke could be converted to each other, which would play a guiding role in further research.
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