Chinese Medicine Treatment of Diabetes Drugs Based on Analysis of Large Data Patterns
中文关键词:  糖尿病  中医药  用药规律文献分析
English Keywords:Diabetes  Chinese medicine  Regularity literature analysis
夏中尚1,杜正彩2,邓家刚1,李杨1,韦林垚1,谢蕾卉1 1 广西中医药大学广西中药效筛选重点实验室南宁530001 2 广西中医药大学广西中医药科学实验中心南宁530001 
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      目的:探究中医药治疗糖尿病的用药规律,为糖尿病临床选方用药及中医药规范化治疗提供依据与指导。方法:检索1995—2015年发表的1 341篇文献,进行中药类别、单味药频次、中药性味归经、系统聚类分析。结果:治疗糖尿病最常用的药物为补虚药类、清热药类、活血化瘀药类、解表药类、利水渗湿药类、收涩药类、平肝熄风药类、理气药类、化湿药类和祛风湿药类。常用的补虚药类有黄芪、山药、当归等,常用的清热药类有地黄、玄参、黄连等,常用的活血化瘀药类有丹参、川芎、红花等。最常使用药物的性味归经分别是寒、温和平性,甘、苦和辛味,归脾经、肝经、肺经、肾经、心经和胃经。结论:治疗糖尿病常扶正与祛邪并用,以补虚药类为主,配合清热药类、活血化瘀药类等。
English Summary:
      To explore the medication rule of Chinese medicine treatment, and to provide references for clinical prescription and standardized treatment of Chinese medicine for diabetes. Methods: The articles on CNKI from 1995 to 2015 in Chinese medicine treatment of diabetes were performed systematic cluster analysis to find out the medicine type, single frequency, belong to the medicinal properties of herbs. Results: The treatment of diabetes had the most commonly used herbs with the effect of deficiency tonifying, heat clearing, blood-activating and stasis-resolving, exterior-releasing, damp-draining, astringent, iver-pacifying wind-extinguishing, regulating qi, resolving dampness, wind-damp-dispelling and so on. The most commonly used deficiency tonifying herbs are Milkvetch Root, Common Yam Rhizome, Chinese Angelica; The most commonly used heat clearing herbs are Rehmannia Root, Figwort Root, Golden Thread; The most commonly used blood-activating and stasis-resolving herbs are Salvia Root, Sichuan Lovage Rhizome, Safflower. The most common properties of the herbs are plain, sweet, bitter and pungent. The channel tropisms are spleen, liver, lung, kidney, heart and stomach. Conclusion: The treatment of diabetes often includes reinforcing healthy qi and eliminating pathogen. The herbs are usually used for deficiency tonifying, heat clearing, blood-activating and stasis-resolving etc.
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