Clinical Experience of Professor Zhang Sheng-sheng in Treating Spleen-stomach Diseases with the Therapy of Cooling and Warming Combination
中文关键词:  寒热并用  脾胃病  寒热错杂  临床经验
English Keywords:Cooling and Warming combination  Spleen-stomach diseases  Intermingled cold and heat  Clinical experience
张旭,张声生 首都医科大学附属北京中医医院消化中心北京100010 
摘要点击次数: 981
全文下载次数: 1841
English Summary:
      The therapy of Cooling and Warming combination is one of therapeutic methods in TCM, belonging to the harmonization method. This therapy refers to the combined application of cold and warm herbs. By using its opposite nature and flavor but cohesive function, diseases could be treated. Professor Zhang Shengsheng considers spleen-stomach is susceptible to the pathogenic factor of cold and heat, which can result in the recurrence and complexity of spleen-stomach diseases. Therefore, the syndromes of “intermingled deficiency and excess” and “intermingled heat and cold” are commonly seen clinically. Professor Zhang Shengsheng emphasizes that the combination of heat, deficiency or excess and visceral syndrome differentiation are critical in the treatment of spleen-stomach diseases. The adoption of this therapy includes Wenzhong Qingwei method, Wenzhong Qinggan method, Nuangan Qingwei method, Qingshang Wenxia method, and Wenshang Qingxia method. Based on the characteristics of the diseases and syndrome differentiation, these methods can achieve sound clinical curative effect.
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