Observation of Clinical Effects of Compound Radix Arnebiae Oil in Treating Infantile Eczema
中文关键词:  复方紫草油;湿疹;婴幼儿  复发率
English Keywords:Compound Radix Arnebiae Oil  Eczema  Infant  Relapse rate
邓丽华1,肖飞2,王玲2,张雪荣1 1 湖北中医药大学武汉430061 2 湖北省中药现代化工程技术研究中心武汉430223 
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      目的:研究复方紫草油治疗婴幼儿湿疹的临床疗效;方法:对60例湿疹患儿予以复方紫草油外用涂擦治疗,治疗1~2个疗程,每个疗程为7 d,观察患儿治疗前后症状的改善情况;随访3个月,观察复发率;结果:实际完成55例,脱落5例,55例患儿,临床痊愈8例,显效29例,有效13例,无效5例,治疗总体有效率为90.9%,为期3个月的随诊,失访7例,复发5例,复发率10.20%;结论:复方紫草油治疗婴幼儿湿疹的临床疗效确切,且复发率较低,为外用药物,不良反应小,符合儿童的用药习惯,临床上值得推广。
English Summary:
      To study the clinical efficacy of Compound Radix Arnebiae Oil in treating infantile eczema. Methods: A total of 60 pediatric patients with eczema were treated with Compound Radix Arnebiae Oil for external application for 1 to 2 courses, one of which included 7 days. The therapeutic effects were observed before and after the treatment, and the relapse rate was observed through 3-month follow-ups. Results: A total of 55 cases completed the treatment, in which 8 cases were cured, 29 cases were treated markedly effective, 13 cases effective and 5 cases ineffective. The total effective rate was 90.9%. During 3-month follow-ups, 7 cases were failed to follow and 5 cases relapsed. The relapse rate was 10.20%. Conclusion: Compound Radix Arnebiae Oil is effective in treating infantile eczema, and the recurrence rate is low. As a topical medication, it has less side effects, easier for children’s application and worthy of promotion.
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