Biological Exploration of “Zhuo” in Glucolipid Metabolic Disorders through Innate Immunity-mediated Metabolic Inflammation
中文关键词:  炎性反应因子  Toll样受体  代谢紊乱  证候物质基础
English Keywords:Inflammatory factors  Toll-like receptor  Metabolic disturbance  Internal Accumulation of dampness and turbid  Biological Essence of traditional Chinese medicine syndrome
吴小琴1,2,3,颜凯旋1,2,3,杨勇1,2,3,荣向路1,2,3,叶得伟1,2,3,郭姣1,2,3 1 教育部糖脂代谢病粤港澳联合实验室,广州,510006
2 广东省代谢病中西医结合研究中心,广州,510006
3 广东药科大学中医药研究院,广州,510006 
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      糖脂代谢病是一种以糖、脂代谢紊乱为特征,由遗传、环境、精神等多种因素参与的疾病,其以神经内分泌失调、胰岛素抵抗、氧化应激、炎性反应、肠道菌群失调为核心病理,以高血糖、血脂失调、非酒精性脂肪肝、超重、高血压及动脉粥样硬化等单一或合并出现为主要临床表现特点。郭姣教授率团队基于系统性经典中医文献梳理和临床研究,提出“调肝启枢化浊法”治疗糖脂代谢病的新思路,以“浊”统指由于机体水谷津液运化失常而产生的“痰”“湿”“饮”“瘀”“热”等病理产物;其相互影响,遂成为糖脂代谢病及其变证的发生发展。经实验和前期临床研究证实,“调肝启枢化浊法”及其代表方药对于糖脂代谢病具有较好疗效。但目前对于“浊”的生物学本质尚未完全阐明。借助于多组学和模式动物表型鉴定等现代生物学前沿技术,目前已证实天然免疫反应介导的代谢性炎性反应是糖脂代谢性疾病发生和进展的核心病理机制之一。文章从天然免疫细胞(主要包括巨噬细胞和中性粒细胞)及其关键介导因子(Toll-like receptor 4、Lipocalin-2)调控的代谢性炎性反应角度探讨糖脂代谢病“浊”的生物学本质,对于揭示“浊”的病理实质和化浊方药改善糖脂代谢异常的物质基础等具有重要意义。
English Summary:
      Glucolipid Metabolic Disorders (GLMD) is a disease with the metabolic disturbance of glucose and lipid,influenced by genetic,environmental and mental factors. The significant pathology phenomena of GLMD are the neuroendocrine dysfunction,insulin resistance,inflammation and the alteration of intestinal flora. Meanwhile,there are clinical manifestations like hyperglycemia,dyslipidemia,non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,obesity,hypertension and atherosclerosis showing up singly or going with each other. Prof. Guo Jiao and her team put forward ‘the way of regulating liver to resolve turbidity' as a new train of thought for therapies of GLMD,based on systematic literature reviews in traditional Chinese medicine and clinical researches,which worked prominently in experiments and clinical researches. However,there is still no biological definition of ‘turbidity'. With the assistance of modern bio-technologies like multi-omics and phenotypic identifications of modified animal,it has been confirmed that metabolic inflammation mediated by innate immunity is one of the most vital pathological mechanisms in the process of GLMD. This article is to discuss the biological definition of ‘turbidity’ in GLMD through the innate immune cells( mainly including macrophage and neutrophils) also with its key mediated factor( Toll-like receptor 4,Lipocalin-2),and it is important for uncovering the substance of ‘turbidity’ and the material base of decoctions for resolving turbidity.
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