Principle of “Differentiate Syndromes of Cold and Hot and Prescribe Accordingly” from Relativity of Syndrome and Treatment
中文关键词:  相对论/原理理论  中医药学  伤寒论  温病学  识病遣药  寒热病性  温清药性
English Keywords:Relativity theory  Traditional Chinese medicine  Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases  Science of Epidemic Febrile Disease  Prescribing according to different syndromes  Syndromes of cold and hot  Herbs' property
刘声1,陈海滨1,刘青云2 1 山西中医学院中西医结合医院太原030013 2 山西省中医院研究生部太原030012 
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English Summary:
      Differentiating syndromes of cold and hot and prescribing accordingly has always been the classic theme of traditional Chinese medicine.Treatise on Cold Pathogenic Diseases and Science of Epidemic Febrile Disease are classics including study of syndromes of cold and hot,and different properties of herbs of traditional Chinese medicine.What are the common characteristics and distinguishing differences in academic origin and clinical practice,especially the principle of treatment based on syndrome differentiation and prescriptions according to different syndromes,between the two books? However,up to now,there is not enough understanding of such aspects.Studies show that the cognition and reflection of human life in traditional Chinese and Western medicine indicate that the physiological function,nutrition and energy metabolism,perception,emotion behavior and health condition of the system are not continuous and static.Life medicine and life phenomena are also consistent with the “theory of relativity” and “laws of quantum mechanics”.This paper focused on the following 6 aspects to clarify the close relationship and practical significance of “relativity” with traditional Chinese medicine.
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