Analysis on Rules of Prescriptions,Syndromes and Treatment in Blood Stasis Syndrome of Psoriasis Vulgaris Based on Literature Data Mining
中文关键词:  中药复方  银屑病  血瘀证  中医传承辅助平台  数据挖掘  配伍规律  系统聚类分析  关联规则分析
English Keywords:Compound prescription of Chinese materia medica  Psoriasis  Blood stasis syndrome  Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Support System  Data mining  Formulating rules  Hierarchical clustering analysis  Association rules analysis
胡雪晴,田野,屈双擎,刘俐,张靖宇,赵海婷,赵艳,段行武,李建红 北京中医药大学东直门医院北京100700 
摘要点击次数: 556
全文下载次数: 639
English Summary:
      To analyze rules of contemporary doctors' medication in treating blood stasis syndrome of psoriasis based on Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Support System V2.5(TCMISS).Methods:“Psoriasis” or “white crust” was used as the subject word,and “blood stasis” or “invigorating blood and resolving stasis” was used as the free word.The combination of subject words and free words was used in searching following databases:CNKI,Wanfang Data and VIP.Prescriptions for the treatment of blood stasis syndrome of psoriasis vulgaris were collected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria,and they were performed data mining and analysis by the TCMISS.Results:A total of 35 literatures were included.And 10 core medicinal groups and 5 new prescriptions were got after mining association rules among the medicines.The most commonly used medicines for blood stasis syndrome of psoriasis vulgaris were Flos Carthami,Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae,Semen Persicae,etc.Conclusion:In TCM treatment,invigorating blood and resolving stasis is used as the main principle in treating blood stasis syndrome of psoriasis vulgaris; mining medication rules in blood stasis syndrome of psoriasis vulgaris based on the TCMISS can not only objectively reveal clinical medication rules,but also provide references for related research.
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