Interpretation Based on the Guidelines on Prevention and Treatment of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia by Chinese Medicine in Hubei Province
中文关键词:  新型冠状病毒肺炎  新型冠状病毒疾病  新型冠状病毒  湿热疫  麻杏石甘汤  藿朴夏苓汤  葶苈大枣泻肺汤  柴胡陷胸汤  达原饮  指南解读
English Keywords:Novel coronavirus pneumonia  COVID-19  2019-nCoV  Damp-heat plague  Maxing Shigan Tang  Huo po xia ling tang  Tingli dazao xie fei tang  Chaihu xian xiong tang  Da yuan yin  Guide interpretation
吕文亮 湖北中医药大学,武汉,430065 
摘要点击次数: 921
全文下载次数: 731
English Summary:
      Interpretation based on the guidelines on prevention and treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia by Chinese Medicine(CM) in Hubei province. Coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 is an acute infectious disease.The main symptoms of most patients in the early stage were hiding fever, dry cough, weakness, poor appetite and thick-greasy tongue coating. The disease belongs to the epidemic category, which is due to damp-heat epidemic poison in Chinese medicine. The main lesion is in the lung and spleen, and the basic pathogenesis is “dampness, poison, stasis and closure”. This disease is the epidemic disease, which needs to be distinguished from the “warm disease in the four season ”. The foothold should be aimed at the pathological manifestations and characteristics of damp-heat epidemic poison, because damp-heat epidemic poison is the main cause of this disease. Therefore, in the early stage, although there was cold dampness block, the cold dampness transforming to heat was the normal state. During the course of the disease, heat, asthma, stasis, detoxification and weakness are caused. From the pathogenesis of the disease, there are wet poison, heat poison, stasis poison. So the treatment should be around damp-heat epidemic poison and chasing evil is the first important point. Dividing away the damp heat and pestilence, and releasing the Qi are the main measures.Controlling the early and advanced treatment is the key to reduce critical illness and mortality.The guidelines have been strengthened since the first edition in terms of extensive CM prevention and health care, standardized integrated CM and western medicine treatment, and full use of CM to promote the rehabilitation of patients.
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