The Psychological Adjustment within the Epidemic Period of Novel Coronavious Pneumonica from the Perspective of ‘Courage Determining Judgment and Response’
中文关键词:  胆主决断  心理  中医  新型冠状病毒  疫情
English Keywords:Keywords〓Courage Determining Judgment and Response  Psychology  TCM  COVID-19  Epidemic Period
李桂侠,王健,张明,洪兰,张良,汪卫东 中国中医科学院广安门医院,北京,100053 
摘要点击次数: 576
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      自新型冠状病毒爆发以来,不仅疑似和确诊病例面临感染、救治的问题,几乎所有人都需要处理疫情下的心理反应。中医药在感染患者的救治中发挥了非常重要的作用。中医几千年来不仅一直保卫着人们的身体健康,还拥有心理治疗的宝贵智慧。疫情下常见的焦虑、紧张等症状与中医“胆主决断”关系密切,本文通过对《黄帝内经》中医心理学思想的深刻挖掘,尝试阐述了“胆主决断”的中医心理学内涵、功能,以及异常的表现,提出“胆主决断”视角下的辨证论治方案,根据轻症和重症功能失常进行分类,建议轻症采取“移精变气”(转移注意力)、“听病者言”(倾听)、“能知其情”为主的治疗方法,重症采取“移精变气”(“祝由”)、“杂合以治”的方法治疗进行干预,最终完成了“胆主决断”视角下,对新型冠状病毒感染性肺炎(Coronavirus Disease 2019,COVID-19)疫情期心理调适的初步探讨。
English Summary:
      Since the outbreak of novel coronavious pneumonica(NCP),not only the suspected and confirmed cases are facing the concern about infection and treatment,almost everyone has to deal with the psychological response to the epidemic.Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)has played quite an important role in the treatment of infected patients,just like what it has done for thousands of years to protect people's physical health.TCM possess valuable wisdom in psychotherapy as well.Anxiety and nervous which are commonly seen in the epidemic are closely related to the “Courage determining judgment and response” theory in TCM.Through the deep excavation of TCM Psychology theory in Huangdi Neijing,the paper expounded the TCM psychological connotation、function and abnormal manifestation of ‘Courage determining judgment and response',and proposed a solution of syndrome differentiation and treatment accordingly.All patients were classified into mild and severe cases according to the degree of dysfunction.The mild ones were suggested to treat by attention diverting,hearken and empathy.The severe ones were suggested to treat by supplication or combing therapies.Finally,the exploration of the psychological adjustment within the epidemic period of NCP from the perspective of ‘Courage determining judgment and response' were finished.
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