Study on TCM Syndrome of Severe Pneumonia with Stress Ulcer Hemorrhage
中文关键词:  重症肺炎  应激性溃疡出血  因子分析  证候  虚实夹杂  痰热蕴肺  气阴两虚  肺脾不足
English Keywords:Severe pneumonia  Stress ulcer hemorrhage  Factor analysis  Syndrome elements  Inclusion of deficiency and excess  Phlegm and heat accumulate in the lungs  Deficiency of qi and yin  Insufficiency of lung and spleen
赵玉清1,张立平1,方晓磊2,宋莹莹2 1 北京中医药大学北京100029 2 北京中医药大学东方医院急诊科北京100078 
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English Summary:
      To initially explore the syndrome elements and main syndrome types of severe pneumonia complicated with stress ulcer hemorrhage,and to provide evidence for syndrome differentiation and treatment.Methods:A total of 60 cases of severe pneumonia with stress ulcer hemorrhage in Dongfang Hospital,Beijing University of Chinese Medicine were selected as the research subjects.The main symptoms were directly dialectical,and the factor analysis was used to find the common syndrome elements of the disease,and the distribution characteristics of the syndrome elements were statistically analyzed.Results:The main viscera involved in this disease were lung and spleen,and the main symptoms were in line with the characteristics of phlegm-heat accumulation of lung syndrome.Conclusion:The syndrome elements in the early stage of severe pneumonia complicated with stress ulcer bleeding are based on phlegm,heat obstructed in lung as the basic and core syndrome.The syndromes of deficiency of qi and yin and deficiency of lung and spleen can be seen.At the same time,the symptoms of phlegm-dampness and blood stasis can also be observed.The disease is mixed with the deficiency and excess,the location of the disease is in the lung and spleen.
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