Characteristics and Medication Analysis of Elderly People Using Maixuekang Capsules in the Real World
中文关键词:  脉血康胶囊  医院信息系统  老年患者  真实世界  关联规则  特征分析  联合用药  临床治疗
English Keywords:Maixue kang capsules  Hospital information system  Elderly patients  Real world  Association rules  Characteristics analysis  Combination drug use  Clinical treatment
孙梦华1,章轶立2,谢雁鸣1,杨靖1,陈仁波1 1 中国中医科学院中临床基础医学研究所北京100700 2 北京中医药大学中医学院北京100029 
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      目的:了解真实世界中脉血康胶囊对老年人群特征分析及联合用药情况。方法:基于全国21家大型三甲医院HIS数据库,对4 078例使用脉血康胶囊的老年患者进行描述分析,用频数统计的方法分析其基本用药情况,找出使用频次较高的药物进行评价,选取关联规则中Apriori算法建立模型,使用Clementine12.0进行关联分析,分析老年患者人群特征和脉血康胶囊联合用药情况。结果:患者年龄以65~80岁居多,共3 093例,占分析人数的75.85%;真实世界中老年人群使用脉血康胶囊应用于一般病情患者较多;住院时间最多在15~28 d;合并西医诊断中以高血压病最多;合并西药以脉血康胶囊+阿司匹林等血管活性药最常见;合并中药以脉血康胶囊+疏血通活血化瘀药最常见。结论:老年患者在治疗心脑血管疾病时常把脉血康胶囊和其药理作用相似的化学药品联合使用。且在真实世界中脉血康胶囊除了多用于有瘀、湿热的实证患者外,也可用于一些气阴两虚、肝肾亏虚等虚证。
English Summary:
      To understand the characteristics and combination drug to elderly people by using Maixuekang Capsules in the real world.Methods:Based on HIS database in 21 big 3 A hospital,a total of 4 078 elderly patients using Maixuekang Capsule was conducted for description analysis.Frequency statistics method was used to analyze its basic drug use situation,and to find out the high frequency of drug for evaluation.Apriori algorithm of association rules was adopted to establish the model,and Clementine12.0 was used for correlation analysis,which focused on characteristics of elderly patients and Maixuekang Capsule combination drug use situation.Results:The age of patients ranged from 65 to 80,with a total of 3,093 patients,accounting for 75.85% of the analysis population.In the real world,more middle-aged and elderly patients used Maixuekang Capsules with common diseases.The maximum length of stay was from 15 to 28 days.Hypertension was the most common diagnosis in Western medicine.In combination with Western medicine,vasoactive drugs such as Maixukang Capsule and aspirin were the most common.The combination of traditional Chinese medicine such as Maixuekang Capsule+drugs for activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis was the most common.Conclusion:Elderly patients often use Maixuekang Capsules in combination with chemicals with similar pharmacological effects when treating cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.In the real world,Maixuekang Capsule is not only used for patients with excess symptoms such as stasis,and damp-heat,but also for some deficiency syndromes such as deficiency of both qi and yin and liver and kidney deficiency.
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