The Method of Auricular Point Pressing Combined with Warming Meridians,Soothing Liver,Removing Blood Stasis and Dredging Collaterals in the Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea
中文关键词:  温经疏肝化瘀通络  耳穴贴压  原发性痛经  炎性反应递质  血液流变学  子宫动脉血流  雌激素  前列腺素  疼痛积分
English Keywords:Warming meridians  Soothing liver  Removing blood stasis and dredging collaterals  Auricular point sticking  Primary dysmenorrhea  Inflammatory factors  Hemorheology  Uterine artery blood flow  Estrogen  Prostaglandin  Pain score
王瑾1,刘艳芹2,徐香杰2,刘宁3,谷丽4 1 河北省唐山市中医医院妇产科唐山063000 2 唐山迁安市中医医院妇产科迁安064400 3 河北省第七人民医院妇产科定州073000 4 河北省唐山市妇幼保健院妇科唐山063000 
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      目的:观察耳穴贴压联合温经疏肝化瘀通络法对原发性痛经的临床效果及机制。方法:选取2016年12月至2018年12月唐山市中医医院收治的原发性痛经患者130例作为研究对象,按照随机数字表法随机分为对照组和观察组,每组65例,对照组益母草冲剂治疗,观察组温经疏肝化瘀通络法中药汤剂联合耳穴贴压治疗,均在月经来潮前3 d口服和贴压,每月1周,连续3个月。观察2组治疗前后血液流变学、炎性反应递质、雌激素、子宫动脉血流等变化。结果:对照组治疗前后各指标差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),观察组治疗后血液流变学、子宫顺应性较治疗前下降,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),观察治疗优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2组治疗后组胺、前列腺素2α(PGF2α)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、淀粉样蛋白A(SAA)、C反应蛋白(CRP)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、雌二醇、疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS评分)、中医症状积分、孕酮、SF-36量表较治疗前显著下降,且观察治疗优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:耳穴贴压联合温经疏肝化瘀通络法可改善原发性痛经,提高生命质量。
English Summary:
      To observe the effect and mechanism of auricular point pressing combined with warming menstruation,soothing the liver,removing blood stasis and dredging collaterals on the effects and mechanism of primary dysmenorrhea.Methods:A total of 130 patients with primary dysmenorrhea admitted to Tangshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital were selected as the research objects and were randomly divided into a control group(n=65),an observation group(n=65).The control group was treated with Yimucao Granules,and the observation group was treated with Chinese medicine Decoction of warming meridian,soothing the liver,removing blood stasis and dredging collaterals,combined with auricular acupoint pressure treatment.All were taken orally and applied 3 days before menstruation for 1 week/month for 3 consecutive months.The changes of hemorheology,inflammatory factors,estrogen,uterine artery blood flow before and after treatment in the 2 groups were observed.Results:1)there was no difference in all indexes in the control group before and after treatment(P>0.05).After treatment,the hemorheology and uterine compliance in the observation group were lower than those before treatment(P<0.05),and the observation treatment was better than that in the control group(P<0.05).2)after treatment,histamine(HIS),prostaglandin 2 α(PGF2 α),tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α),amyloid protein A(SAA),C-reactive protein(CRP),interleukin-6(IL-6),estradiol(E2),pain visual analogue score(VAS score),TCM symptom score,progesterone(P)and SF-36 scale decreased significantly compared with those before treatment.The observation treatment was better than that of the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion:Auricular point pressing combined with warming menstruation,soothing the liver,removing blood stasis and dredging collaterals can improve the primary dysmenorrhea and improve the quality of life.
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