Clinical Experience of Professor WEI Zixiao in the Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy
中文关键词:  @ 魏子孝  糖尿病性视网膜病变  中医药疗法  视瞻昏渺  滋补肝肾  养血明目  化痰祛瘀  活血利水  起居调护  名医经验
English Keywords:@ Professor WEI Zixiao  Diabetic retinopathy  Therapy of traditional Chinese medicine  Blurred vision  Nourish liver and kidney  Nourish blood and improve eyesight  Eliminate phlegm and blood stasis  Activate blood circulation and promote water  Daily care  Experience of famous TCM doctors
张颢龄1,张广德2 1 中国中医科学院研究生院,北京,100700
2 中国中医科学院西苑医院,北京,100091 
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English Summary:
      Diabetic retinopathy is one of the common microvascular complications of diabetes.At present,Western medicine mainly adopts basic treatment methods such as controlling blood glucose,blood pressure,blood lipid and improving microcirculation,and in severe cases,laser photocoagulation,surgery or topical corticosteroids therapy are adopted.Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)has unique efficacy in reducing the incidence of potential blinding complications and delaying the progression of the disease.Professor WEI Zixiao refers to patients with fundus examination to seize “primary symptom”,and used TCM theory to distinguish and treat diabetic retinopathy,mainly aiming at diabetic retinopathy without acute fundus hemorrhage.He paid attention to the combination of systemic and miro syndrome differentiation.The treatment was based on tonifying liver and kidney,nourishing blood and improving eyesight,supplemented by eliminating phlegm and blood stasis,activating blood circulation and promoting water,etc.In addition,he emphasized the importance of daily care,such as the use of drugs to soothe the liver and regulate qi and moisten the bowel to relieve constipation,so as to avoid the fundus bleeding again,with obvious clinical effects.
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