引用本文:买尼沙·买买提 买买提哈斯木·斯地克 帕提曼·买买提 古丽娜孜 萨拉买提·买买提哈斯木 地里夏提·买明.高脂血症维吾尔医异常体液分型与血脂水平的相关性研究[J].世界中医药,2012,7(6):.  
Relationship of Abnormal Hilit Syndrome Classification in Uighur Medicine and Blood Fat Levels of Hyperlipemia
中文关键词:  原发性高脂血症  维吾尔医  异常体液分型  血脂指标
English Keywords:Primary hyperlipemia  Traditional Uighur Medicine  Abnormal Hilit syndrome classification  Indices of blood lipids
买尼沙·买买提 买买提哈斯木·斯地克 帕提曼·买买提 古丽娜孜 萨拉买提·买买提哈斯木 地里夏提·买明 新疆维吾尔医自治区维吾尔医医院乌鲁木齐830049 
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English Summary:
      To investigate into the regularity of Abnormal Hilit syndrome classification in Traditional Uighur Medicine and its relationship with gender, age, BMI, laboratory indices such as TC, TG, LDL-C, HDL-C, ApoA1, ApoB of the 200 patients with primary hyperlipemia.Methods:To analyze the associativity of Abnormal Hilit syndrome classification and objective indices of primary hyperlipemia.Results:The analysis showed that Uighur Medicine syndromes of primary hyperlipemia had some relation with laboratory indices.Conclusion:Abnormal Hilit syndromes of primary hyperlipemia had some relation with laboratory indices. The lipemia laboratory indices can be one of the objective theoretical bases of Abnormal Hilit syndrome classification. Abnormal Balgham Hilit and abnormal Khan Hilit may be the main syndromes of primary hyperlipemia in Traditional Uighur Medicine.
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