引用本文:娄彦梅 平 昭 韩 萍.公务员人群原发性高血压与中医体质相关性研究[J].世界中医药,2012,7(6):.  
Correlation Between TCM Constitution and Essential Hypertension in Civil Servants
中文关键词:  原发性高血压  危险因素  中医体质  健康管理
English Keywords:Essential hypertension  Risk factor  TCM constitution  Health management
娄彦梅 平 昭 韩 萍 北京小汤山医院北京102211 
摘要点击次数: 1165
全文下载次数: 1068
English Summary:
      To study the correlation between traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) constitution and essential hypertension (EH) in civil servants. Methods:A total of 3700 civil servants participated in the examination were randomly sampled from 2010 to 2011, Questionnaire on TCM constitution was performed in 174 cases of EH for clinical investigation according to the classification method of “classification and determination of constitution in TCM”. And the comparative Study of the relevant factors on phlegm-dampness constitution and non-phlegm-dampness constitution of EH was done. Results:Phlegm-dampness constitution was the most biased constitution in the civil servants crowd of EH(21.84%). Phlegm-dampness constitution BMI was significantly higher than that of non-phlegm-dampness constitution, and Phlegm-dampness group HDL was significantly lower than that of non-Phlegm-dampness group, the difference was statistically significant(P<0.01).Conclusion:Phlegm dampness constitution is the main risk factor in civil servants of EH. High weight is a major cause of EH phlegm-dampness constitution. The intervention for Phlegm-dampness constitution of EH is mainly through the management of the index weight of health, so as to effceively prevent the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
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