引用本文:刘 敏 林明欣.消渴病论治之“治水三法”探析[J].世界中医药,2013,8(1):.  
Study on Three Methods of Adjusting Body Fluid in Treating Consumptive Thirst
中文关键词:  治水三法  澄清水源  疏导水道  涵水养脏
English Keywords:Consumptive thirst  Three methods of adjusting body fluid  Clearing source of body fluid  Grooming channel of body fluid  Nourishing the important organs of body fluid
刘 敏1 林明欣2 1 广州中医药大学第一附属医院广州510405 2 广州中医药大学广州510405 
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English Summary:
      As we all know, about 70% of the earth is covered by water. The chapter 25 of Moral Classics described that “Man complies with Earth, Earth complies with Cosmos, Cosmos complies with Tao and Tao complies with Nature”, therefore, Cosmos-Earth is a big universe while the mankind is a little universe. Body fluid accounts for about 70% of body weight in adults, and the declining proportion of body fluid would cause the end of life; therefore, men cannot survive without the body fluid. The occurrence and development of the disease of consumptive thirst is closely related to the condition of body fluid, so to adjust body fluid would treat consumptive thirst. This paper brings up three methods of adjusting body fluid, namely, clearing source of body fluid, grooming channel of body fluid and nourishing the important organs of body fluid.
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