引用本文:李桂侠 洪兰 林颖娜 李涛 黄艳影 刁倩 吕学玉 杜辉 汪卫东.TIP睡眠调控技术联合西药治疗原发性失眠症的临床研究[J].世界中医药,2013,8(04):.  
Clinical Study on Sleep regulating Technique (TIP3 2) Combined with Drugs in Treating Primary Insomnia
中文关键词:  治疗  失眠症  心理联合药物  TIP
English Keywords:Treatment  Insomnia  Psychotherapy combined with drugs  TIP
李桂侠 洪兰 林颖娜 李涛 黄艳影 刁倩 吕学玉 杜辉 汪卫东 中国中医科学院广安门医院心理科北京100053 
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English Summary:
      To observe the curative effect of Sleep regulating Technique (TIP3 2) combined with western medicine in treating primary insomnia using.Methods:The included 70 patients suffered from primary insomnia were randomly and evenly divided into two groups, TIP combined with drugs group and drug only group. The patients in drug only group were given 1 to 2 tablets Estazolam half an hour before sleep. Apart from taking Estazolam, the patients in TIP combined with drugs group were given extra Sleep regulating Technique treatment twice a week. The changes of Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) before and after treatment were observed. The observation period was 4 weeks.Results:Comparison within eachgroup: In TIP combined with drugs group, there were significant improvement in total score of PSQI, subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, use of sleeping medication, and daytime dysfunction (P<0.05). In drug only group, the total score of PSQI, subjective sleep quality, sleep duration also showed significant improvement (P<0.05); Comparison between the two groups: Comparing the data after treatment, there were significant differences in the total score of PSQI, subjective sleep quality, medication use and daytime dysfunction (P<0.05).TIP combined with drugs group showed better improvement than drug only group. Comparing the difference of values before and after treatment, there were significant difference between the two groups in the total score of PSQI, subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, medication use and daytime dysfunction (P<0.05).TIP combined with drugs group showed better improvement than drug only group. The total effective rate in TIP combined with drugs group was 72%, while that in drug only group was 29%.Conclusion:The two methods have different degrees of improvement in treating primary insomnia. TIP combined with western medication is better than only application of medication. It is suggested that psychological therapy combined with medication therapy would be a more effective way of treating primary insomnia during onset phase.
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