引用本文:汪玉娇 田楠 乔锦 南继红 关玲 孙书臣.西方人对鼻周穴位按摩的接受性及掌握度的调查[J].世界中医药,2013,8(04):.  
Survey on Acceptance and Mastering Degree of Massage around Nose Acupoints among Western People
中文关键词:  西方人  按摩保健操  接受性  掌握度  问卷调查
English Keywords:Western people  Massage  Acceptance  Mastering degree  Survey
汪玉娇 田楠 乔锦 南继红 关玲 孙书臣 中国中医科学院广安门医院北京100053 
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English Summary:
      To survey the acceptance and mastering degree of massage around nose acupoints among western people after teaching rhinitis massage exercise for nasal health.Methods:After having the 30 mins learning on rhinitis massage exercise for nasal health, the twenty four Swedes were given questionnaires to investigate their acceptance, mastering degree and change of nasal ventilation before and after the exercise.Results:One hundred percent of the people thought rhinitis massage exercise for nasal health was easy to accept and learn. And in the text supplement of acceptance option, there were 47.3% people thought the exercise was interesting and good. Fifty percent of the people fully grasped the rhinitis massage exercise for nasal health, and 33.3% people basically grasped it.Conclusion:Western people who possess different cultural backgrounds and have no knowledge of acupoints could accept the massage around nose acupoint. At the same time, through one session of learning they can grasp the basic essentials of rhinitis massage exercise for nasal health, and improve their nasal obstruction.
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