引用本文:王 晶 宋钦福 李美虹.对墨西哥中医药近期发展情况的思考[J].世界中医药,2013,8(05):.  
Thoughts on the Recent Development of TCM in Mexico
中文关键词:  墨西哥  中医药  针刀
English Keywords:Mexico  Traditional Chinese medicine  Acupotomology
王 晶1,3 宋钦福2 李美虹2 1 世界中医药学会联合会,北京,100101 2 墨西哥针刀学会,墨西哥城,07510 3 天津中医药大学,天津,300193 
摘要点击次数: 1561
全文下载次数: 1750
English Summary:
      This article briefly summarizes the recent development of traditional Chinese medicine in Mexico. It believes that the advantages of developing TCM in Mexico is that its traditional Maya culture shows something in common with TCM, and also the Mexico government greatly supports the TCM development. The First Forum on China-America Cooperation and Development in Traditional Chinese Medicine (Mexico 2012) was successfully held in Mexico in 2012, which promoted the rapid development of new branch of TCM such as acupotomology in Mexico, and also brought a new prosperous future of TCM in Mexico. The authors think that people should make good use of the existing advantages for TCM development in Mexico and the related standards published by international organizations such as WFCMS to make Mexico the demonstration base of TCM development in Central and South America region.
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