引用本文:方 锐1,2 胡镜清2,3 葛金文1 彭 锦4.阿尔茨海默病社区中医适宜干预技术及其应用策略[J].世界中医药,2013,8(06):.  
Appropriate TCM Intervention and Its Application Strategies on Alzheimer Disease Patients in Communities
中文关键词:  阿尔茨海默病  中医  社区干预
English Keywords:Alzheimer's disease  Traditional Chinese medicine  Intervention in communities
方 锐1,2 胡镜清2,3 葛金文1 彭 锦4 1 湖南中医药大学长沙410208
2 中国中医科学院广安门医院中医临床研究方法国家中医药管理局重点研究室北京100053
3 河南中医学院郑州450008
4 中国中医科学院中医临床基础医学研究所北京100700 
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      目的:总结适宜于社区阿尔茨海默病(AD)的中医干预技术,并探讨其在社区应用的策略。方法:通过对中国知网(CNKI)、中文科技期刊数据库(VIP)、万方数据库(WANFANG dATA)、PubMed检索AD社区中医干预相关文献报道(检索时间均从建库至2013年1月),对AD社区中医干预的现有及可能的手段进行回顾性分析,在此基础上探讨AD社区中医适宜干预技术及应用策略。结果:相关研究证据表明中药内服疗法、针灸推拿疗法、药膳食疗、气功、太极拳等运动疗法、情志疗法、五音疗法等中医适宜干预技术可以应用于社区轻度认知损害(MCI)及轻、中度AD的防治,建立健全的社区医疗机构-患者-社区老年人监护人员的AD社区中医干预模式是值得探索的。结论:社区医务人员指导、AD患者自我管理和监护人员协助的AD社区中医综合干预管理策略尚需在具体社区实践中不断完善和规范。
English Summary:
      To summarize suitable Chinese medicine intervention for treating Alzheimer Disease (AD) and explore its application strategies in communities. Methods: Papers on TCM intervention for treating AD in communities published from the date of database establishment to January 2013 were retrieved from online databases including CNKI,VIP, Wanfang database and PubMed. Retrospective review was conducted to analyze the current and possible TCM interventions on AD in communities so as to explore the suitable interventions and application strategies. Results: Related research evidences showed that TCM interventions such as herbal therapy, acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, medicated diet, qigong & Tai chi exercise therapy, emotional and music therapy could be applied to prevent and treat mild cognitive impairment(MCI) & mild-to-moderate AD in communities. It was feasible to build a community traditional Chinese medicine intervention model consists of community medical institutions, patients, and community guardians of elderly AD patients. Conclusion: It still needs constant improvement and enrichment of the administration strategy of TCM intervention for AD in communities with the instruction of community medical staff and assistance of ommunity guardians of elderly AD patients.
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