引用本文:江丽杰1 胡镜清2,3 易丹辉4 陈 倩4 刘保延5.缺血性中风病中医证候要素动态变化与NIHSS评分变化相关性的贝叶斯网络分析[J].世界中医药,2013,8(06):.  
Bayesian Network Analysis of Correlation between TCM Syndrome Dynamic Changes and NIHSS Scores of Ischemia Stroke
中文关键词:  缺血性中风病  证候  结局评价  贝叶斯网络  美国国立卫生院卒中量表
English Keywords:Ischemia stroke  TCM syndrome  Outcome evaluation  Bayesian network  NIHSS
江丽杰1 胡镜清2,3 易丹辉4 陈 倩4 刘保延5 1 中国中医科学院中医临床基础医学研究所北京100700 2 中国中医科学院广安门医院中医临床研究方法重点研究室北京100053 3 河南中医学院郑州450008 4 中国人民大学统计学院北京100872 5 中国中医科学院北京100700 
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English Summary:
      To investigate the correlation between TCM syndrome dynamic changes and NIHSS scores of ischemia stroke. Methods: The patients with ischemia stroke ( n = 379 ) were selected and their scores of six syndrome factors (wind, fire, phlegm, stasis, qi-deficiency and hyperactivity of yang due to yin-deficiency) according to the Diagnostic Standard of Syndrome Differentiation of Stroke and the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) at 5 different time points (0d, 3d ,14d, 28d , 3m)were recorded respectively. The correlation between syndrome factors and NIHSS scores at different time points were studied by using the method of Bayesian network. Results: NIHSS were improved during 0d-3d, and the improvement rate of phlegm, stasis, hyperactivity of yang due to yin-deficiency and qi-deficiency were respectively 0.809, 0.896, 0.934, 0.961; during 3d-14d , the improvement rate of fire, stasis, phlegm, hyperactivity of yang due to yin-deficiency and qi-deficiency were 0.546, 0.843, 0.895, 0.962, 0.944; during 14d-28d , the improvement rate of fire, phlegm, hyperactivity of yang due to yin-deficiency and qi-deficiency were 0.53, 0.815, 0.966, 0.987; during 28d-3m ,the improvement rate of wind, fire, stasis, phlegm, hyperactivity of yang due to yin-deficiency and qi-deficiency were 0.507, 0.667, 0.854, 0.505, 0.905, 0.914. Conclusion: There is a correlation between TCM syndrome factors manifestations and NIHSS scores in ischemia stroke at different time points, and the correlation degree changes dynamically over time.
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