引用本文:张 昶1 李 进2 谭 程3 张 怡4 刘赵丽1 廖奕歆1.针刺联合红外光疗仪对比温针灸治疗原发性痛经的临床疗效评价[J].世界中医药,2013,8(06):.  
Assessment on Clinical Efficacy of Acupuncture combined with Infrared Light and Efficacy of Warming Needle Acupuncture for Primary Dysmenorrheal
中文关键词:  针刺  红外光疗仪  温针灸  原发性痛经
English Keywords:Acupuncture  Infrared light  Warming-needle moxibustion  Primary dysmenorrheal
张 昶1 李 进2 谭 程3 张 怡4 刘赵丽1 廖奕歆1 1 航天中心医院中医科北京100049
2 北京仁医堂中医门诊部北京100027
3 北京中医药大学东直门医院针灸科北京100700
4 首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院耳鼻喉科北京100020) 
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English Summary:
      To assess the clinical efficacy of acupuncture combined with infrared light and efficacy of warming needle acupuncture for primary dysmenorrheal patients. Methods: Sixty-four patients were randomly divided into treatment group of 22 cases, warming-needle moxibustion group of 22 cases, and control group of 20 patients. From 7 days before menstruation, all patients in 3 groups were acupunctured Qihai(CV6), Guanyuan(CV4), Shuidao(ST28), Guilai(ST29), Sanyinjiao(SP6), Diji(SP8), once a day until onset of menstrual flow. While retaining needle, treatment group received infrared irradiation, and warming-needle moxibustion group received warming-needle moxibustion. Control group only received acupuncture. All patients were treated with 3 menstruation cycles and followed up for 3 months. Results: Overall curative effects of 3 groups were respectively 68.18% and 63.64%,and 45.00%, two treatment groups were significantly superior to that of control group(P<0.05), and there was no statistical difference between the two treatment groups. Treat groups also showed significantly lower Vas scores, and Cox scores than that of control group (P<0.05), and the scores were not significantly different between the two groups. Conclusion: Acupuncture combined with infrared light, and warming needle moxibustion are both effective method to treat primary dysmenorrheal. Infrared light will be more widely accepted for such advantages as user-friendliness and zero pollution.
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