引用本文:董竞成 张红英 段晓虹 刘宝君 吴金峰 曹玉雪 吕玉宝 孙 婧 杜懿杰 魏 颖 厉 蓓 弓唯一.论支气管哮喘“发时治肺兼顾肾,平时治肾兼顾肺”[J].世界中医药,2013,8(07):.  
Discussion Therapeutic Thought of “Focus Lung while consider Kidney at asthma onset, focus Kidney while consider Lung at stable times”
中文关键词:  支气管哮喘  肺实  肾虚  发时治肺  平时治肾  治则治法
English Keywords:Bronchial asthma  Lung excess  Kidney deficiency  Treatment focusing on Lung at attack  Treatment focusing on Kidney at remission  Therapeutic principle
董竞成 张红英 段晓虹 刘宝君 吴金峰 曹玉雪 吕玉宝 孙 婧 杜懿杰 魏 颖 厉 蓓 弓唯一 复旦大学附属华山医院中西医结合研究所上海200040 
摘要点击次数: 1353
全文下载次数: 1667
English Summary:
      Asthma is a common chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways, which is called “Xiao bing” in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). According to the theory of TCM, the pathogenesis of asthma is “Lung excess” and “Kidney deficiency”. Per the principle of “Treating symptoms under emergency and treating causes when disease stabilizes”, the principle of treating asthma is “treating Lung at an asthma attack and treating Kidney at the asthma remission”. But research finds that during an asthma attack, there are not only the presence of Lung excess symptoms shown as excessive airway inflammation, airway spasm and mucus secretion, but also Kidney deficiency symptoms shown as dysfunction of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPAA) and immunity system which represents the decreased inherent anti-inflammatory capacity in the body. On the other hand, during the remission phase, besides Kidney deficiency symptoms like decreased inherent anti-inflammatory capacity, patients also show Lung excess symptoms such as chronic airway inflammation and airway remodeling. Therefore, asthma is associated with Kidney deficiency or potential Kidney deficiency no matter whether patients manifest Kidney deficiency symptoms or not. In other words, there are both the presence of Lung excess and Kidney deficiency during an asthma attack and remission phase. Therefore, at asthma attack, “clearing Lung and relieving breathing” with “tonifying Kidney and benefiting Qi” is more effective than simply “clearing Lung and relieving breathing”, during stable period, the multiple treatments can further decrease airway hyper-responsiveness and relieve airway remodelin. In conclusion, principle of asthma treatment should be focusing on Lung while taking Kidney into account at asthma onset, focusing on Kidney while taking Lung into account during stable period.
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