引用本文:章迅1 安青2 叶丽红3 彭海燕3 万 茜4 章永红3.复方斑蝥胶囊合复方红豆杉方加减治疗三阴乳腺癌临床观察[J].世界中医药,2013,8(07):.  
Clinical Study on the Effect of Modified Compound Ban-mao Capsule and Hong-dou-shan Formula Treating Triple Negative Breast Cancer
中文关键词:  三阴乳腺癌  复方斑蝥胶囊  复方红豆杉方
English Keywords:Triple negative breast cancer  Compound Ban-mao capsule  Compound Hong-dou-shan formula
章迅1 安青2 叶丽红3 彭海燕3 万 茜4 章永红3 1 江苏省中医药研究院、江苏省中西医结合医院肿瘤科南京210028 2 江苏省肿瘤医院、江苏省肿瘤防治研究所中西医结合科南京210009 3 南京中医药大学第一临床医学院、江苏省中医院南京210029 4 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院、南京市鼓楼医院南京210008 
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English Summary:
      To observe the therapeutic effect of modified compound Ban-mao capsule and Hong-dou-shan formula treating triple negative breast cancer.Methods:Forty-two patients suffered from triple negative breast cancer were divided into 2 groups. Patients in treatment group were treated with modified compound Ban-mao capsule and Hong-dou-shan formula and received regular check. Patients in control group were only checked regularly. The rate of recurrence and metastasis was compared after continual observation of 5 years.Results:The total effective rate in treatment group was 95.2%, and that of control group was 71.4%. The difference between the two groups were significant.Conclusion:Modified Compound Ban-mao capsule and Hong-dou-shan formula is effective in treating triple negative breast cancer and could prevent recurrence and metastasis after surgery.
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