引用本文:张会芳1,2 王玲玲1 张建斌1 姜劲峰1.艾灸温通调脂临床研究[J].世界中医药,2013,8(08):.  
Clinical Research on Regulation of Blood lipid through Moxibustion Temperature
中文关键词:  灸温  灸感  高脂血症  氧化低密度脂蛋白  内皮素-1  一氧化氮
English Keywords:Moxibustion temperature  Moxibustion feeling  Hyperlipidemia  Ox-LDL  ET-1  NO
张会芳1,2 王玲玲1 张建斌1 姜劲峰1 1 南京中医药大学南京210029 2 常州市第一人民医院常州213003 
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      目的:观察不同灸温对原发性高脂血症患者血脂组分、血清Ox-LDL、ET-1、NO、ET-1/NO的影响,探讨灸法以“温”促“通”效应机制。方法:将42例原发性高脂血症患者随机分为45 ℃和38 ℃组,各21例。两组通过调节艾火和穴位皮肤的距离及弹灰的频率控制温度,并用测温仪精确监测皮肤温度。每次每穴治疗10 min,隔日1次,6周为1个疗程,连续治疗2个疗程(12周)后,肘静脉采血10 mL,检测患者血脂7项及血清Ox-LDL、ET-1、NO等指标。结果:45 ℃组调脂效应明显,降低TC、TG的作用优于38 ℃组(P<0.05),45 ℃组艾灸后高脂血症患者血清Ox-LDL、ET-1、ET-1/NO均明显降低(P<0.001),45 ℃艾灸对Ox-LDL、NO、ET-1/NO的调节作用,明显优于38 ℃。结论:45 ℃艾灸刺激调脂通脉的作用优于38 ℃,温度影响艾灸疗效,适宜的温度刺激是艾灸取效的关键因素,TRPV1可能介导艾灸以“温”促“通”效应机制,灼与痛之间的灸感是取效最佳灸感。
English Summary:
      To observe the effects of different moxibustion temperature on primary hyperlipidemia patients with serum Ox-LDL, component, ET-1, NO, ET-1/NO, and discuss moxibustion mechanism of promoting “tong” though “wen”. Methods: A taotal of 42 cases of primary hyperlipidemia were randomly divided into 45 ℃ group and 38 ℃ group, with 21 cases in each. The temperature of two groups was controled by adjusting the moxibustion distance and the frequency of moving moxibustion ash, and the thermometer accuratly monitor skin temperature. Each point for 10 minutes, once every other day, 6 weeks as 1 course of treatment, totally 2 courses (12 weeks), elbow venous blood 10ml, detect blood fat and serum Ox-LDL, ET-1, NO. Results: 45 ℃ group have lipid-lowering effect, the effect is superior to that of TC, TG in 38 ℃ group(P<0.05),the content of Ox-LDL, ET-1, ET-1/NO in serum of patients with hyperlipidemia in 45 ℃ group were decreased (P<0.001) after moxibustion. Regulation effect of 45 ℃ moxibustion on Ox-LDL, NO, ET-1/NO, was obviously better than 38 ℃. Conclusion: the role of 45 ℃ moxibustion stimulation in “tiao zhi tong mai” was better than 38 ℃, the temperature of moxibustion can effect clinical effect, the suitable temperature is the key factor of moxibustion stimulation effect, TRPV1 may mediate moxibustion mechanism in promoting “tong” effect by “wen”. Moxibustion sensation between burning and pain the is best moxibustion sensation.
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