引用本文:吴志强 罗苑媚 陶加平.按揉太冲三阴交穴配合温灸法治疗原发性痛经的临床观察[J].世界中医药,2013,8(08):.  
Clinical Observation of Applying Hand Therapy on San Yin Jiao (PC6) Combined with Moxibustion at the Region of Lower Belly in the Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea
中文关键词:  针灸疗法  非药物治疗  原发性痛经
English Keywords:Acupuncture therapy  Non-drug therapy  Primary dysmenorrhea
吴志强 罗苑媚 陶加平 广州中医药大学深圳附属医院针灸科深圳518033 
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      目的:观察按揉太冲三阴交穴为主治疗原发性痛经的临床疗效。方法:随机选择治疗组30例患者,以拇指指尖按揉太冲、三阴交穴位,出现酸麻或刺痛感,以患者耐受为度,配合温灸下腹部治疗原发性痛经,起效后持续30 min,然后静候1 h,复发疼痛者再施术,3次为限,无效者再改用芬必得胶囊。随机选择对照组30例患者,给予芬必得胶囊口服。2组均在治疗后观察疗效3 h。结果:治疗组显效24例,有效5例,无效1例;对照组显效21例,有效6例,无效3例。结论:通过非药物方式(按揉太冲、三阴交加温灸法治疗原发性痛经效果确切,可以减少或者不用消炎镇痛药而完全达到止痛目的。
English Summary:
      This article was intended to observe the clinical effect of hand therapy on San Yin Jiao (PC6) combined with moxibustion at the region of lower belly in the treatment of primary dysmenohhea. Methods: A total of 60 patients were randomized into two groups, the experimental group and the control group. In the experimental group, 30 patients with primary dysmenorrhea were treated by hand therapy of kneading and pressing at the point of San Yin Jiao (PC6) combined with moxibustion at the region of lower belly. Hand therapy procedure was carried out by the same acupuncturist with the tip of thumb targeting at tingling, numbing or pain at the acupoints which the patients could accept; while moxibustion was performed to each patient in 30 minutes, repeated one hour later, not more than three times altogether. Capsule of Fenbid was administered to those patients who showed no response to the therapies mentioned above and this therapy was also applied to the control group containing another 30 patients. Time limit of the observation was within three hours to each of the 60 objects in either group. Results: In the experimental group, 24 among 30 objects showed significant effect, 5 showed mild effect and one showed no effect; while in the control group, 21 showed significant effect, 6 showed mild effect and 3 showed no effect. Conclusion: The experimental hand therapy and moxibustion therapy, is effective in treating primary dysmenorrhea, and this non-drug therapy shows new promise in relieving pain that occurs in primary dysmenorrhea, at least in decreasing the dose of pain killing drugs in the experiment.
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