引用本文:赵 志 强.围手术期清热利湿法预防肛肠病术后尿潴留临床研究[J].世界中医药,2014,9(01):.  
Clinical Study on Heat Clearing and Dampness Expelling Method in Perioperative Period in Preventing Urinary Retention after Anorectal Surgery
中文关键词:  围手术期/中医药疗法  清热利湿法  术后尿潴留
English Keywords:Perioperative period  Traditional Chinese medicine treatment  Heat clearing and dampness expelling method  Urinary retention after anorectal surgery
赵 志 强 石家庄市中医院肛肠科石家庄050051 
摘要点击次数: 1264
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      目的:观察围手术期清热利湿法对肛肠病术后尿潴留的临床疗效。方法:采用随机分组的方法将90例湿热型肛肠病患者随机分为两组。对照组45例术后尿潴留给予新斯的明1 mg肌注,治疗组45例给予加味龙胆泻肝汤口服治疗。观察两组尿潴留治疗效果。结果:治疗组与对照组比较,其治疗效果上有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:围手术期清热利湿法对解除术后尿潴留可发挥中医药优势,有较好临床疗效。
English Summary:
      To observe the clinical curative effect of heat clearing and dampness expelling method in perioperative period to prevent urinary retention after anorectal surgery. Methods: Ninety anorectal patients who were diagnosed as damp-heat type were randomly divided into two groups. The 45 patients in control group were given intramuscular injection of 1mg of Neostigmine. The 45 patients in treatment group were treated with oral administration of modified Longdanxiegan decoction. The curative effects of the two groups were observed. Results: There were significant difference of the therapeutic effect between the treatment group and control group(P<0.05).Conclusion: Heat clearing and dampness expelling method in perioperative period could relieve urinary retention after anorectal surgery, which shows the great advantage of Traditional Chinese medicine.
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