引用本文:朱 玲 李敬华 杨 硕 贾李蓉 高 博 于 琦 董 燕 杨 峰.《内经》针灸概念术语的文化诠释:以“寸口、脉口、气口”之辨析为中心[J].世界中医药,2014,9(01):.  
Cultural Interpretation of Acupuncture Concepts such as “Cunkou”
中文关键词:  寸口、脉口、气口  《内经》  文化
English Keywords:Cunkou  Maikou  Qikou  Neijing  Culture
朱 玲 李敬华 杨 硕 贾李蓉 高 博 于 琦 董 燕 杨 峰 中国中医科学院中医药信息研究所北京100700 
摘要点击次数: 1132
全文下载次数: 1474
English Summary:
      This article disclosed the formation and evolution of acupuncture concepts, trying to find a new way to understand the inner meaning of these terminologies from the cultural perspective, such as the formation and evolution of “cunkou” in “Nei Jing”. Ideological origins should be contemplated in order to achieve profound and comprehensive understanding of acupuncture concepts. Literature research methods are the main method of this article. “Mouth” which is “kou” in Chinese is on behalf of one person's speech, a very important body organ to communicate with the world. “Mouth” was chosen to format the concept of “cunkou” to express the importance of pulse diagnosis such as “Duqu cunkou”.
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