引用本文:何 勇 马可迅 弓 敏.江杨清辨治久泻的经验(一)——温法的运用[J].世界中医药,2014,9(02):.  
Experience of Doctor Jiang Yangqing in Treating Chronic Diarrhea—Application of Warming Therapy
中文关键词:  @ 江杨清  久泻  温法
English Keywords:@ Jiang Yangqing  Diarrhea  Warming therapy
何 勇 马可迅 弓 敏 张家港广和中西医结合医院张家港215633 
摘要点击次数: 1312
全文下载次数: 1504
English Summary:
      Doctor Jiang Yangqing holds the point of view that more than half of the chronic diarrhea cases were caused by the hypoactivity of Yang deficiency. The patients with cold type of chronic diarrhea were identified from the following aspects including texture of stool, constitution of patients, duration of diarrhea and diet-induced factors. For differentiation of chronic diarrhea due to cold syndrome, the distinction between hypoactivity of spleen yang and deficiency of kidney yang shall be distinguished clearly. For treatment of the chronic diarrhea due to cold syndrome, the warming therapy was suggested, and the common recipes were Fuzi Lizhong Pill, Zhenren Yangzang Decotion, Sishen Pill and Shenling Baizhu Powder. It was worthy of being mentioned that the herbs with property of warm and taste of pungency such as pieces of processed Fuzi, Rou gui, baked Rhizoma Zingiberis played an important role in improving the efficacy of chronic diarrhea.
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