引用本文:Ning Harmanto,Prapti Utami,Willie Japaries(叶伟生).印尼复方穿心莲发酵蜂蜜汤剂“JAMSI”对高血糖患者的即刻降糖功效临床验证[J].世界中医药,2014,9(02):.  
Clinical Observation on The Immediate Hypoglycemic Effect of Andrographis-Fermented Honey Formula Herbal Oral Solution “Jamsi” on Hyperglycemic Volunteers
中文关键词:  糖尿病  降血糖  穿心莲  发酵蜂蜜
English Keywords:Diabetes mellitus  Hyperglycemia  Andrographis  Fermented honey
Ning Harmanto,Prapti Utami,Willie Japaries(叶伟生) 1 印尼PT Mahkotadewa Indonesia有限公司
2 印尼CV Sekar Utami Toga个体公司
3 印尼中医师资格核准机构(LSK Sinshe)印尼纳兰陀佛教中医学院(STAB Nalanda) 
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      目的:研究印尼复方穿心莲发酵蜂蜜汤剂”JAMSI”(由印尼PT Mahkotadewa Indonesia公司生产;印尼食品药品管理局注册号:TR053649111)对高血糖患者的即刻降糖功效。方法:本研究设计为对高血糖患者治疗前对治疗后的降糖功效评价,研究患者来自参观本产品展览台的来宾,他们必须患有高血糖或糖尿病并愿意参与本研究。检测临时毛细血管血血糖使用德国制造的Accu-Chek Active血糖检测仪在服用JAMSI汤剂前及服用后1 h。所获得的配对血糖数据按统计学一边t检验法分析并总结,统计学意义界限α=0.05。结果:在两次展览中即2013年2月16—23日在雅加达,获得34位合格患者为本研究患者,性别上分为20女和14男,其中20位正在服用降血糖西药。患者年龄最小22岁,最老74岁,平均(52.26±10.10)岁,糖尿史由1~33年,平均(9.36±8.27)年。患者的平均毛血管血血糖浓度在服用JAMSI汤剂前是(243.03±97.97)mg/dL,而服用后1 h是(197.94±100.01)mg/dL,两者差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。按服用前血糖浓度高于200 mg/dL的患者对比服用前血糖浓度低于200 mg/dL的患者分析结果显示服用JAMSI后降低血糖幅度在前者比后者更明显(表3)。而在正在服用降血糖西药者与没有服用降血糖药者之间降血糖幅度差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:受检验的印尼复方穿心莲发酵蜂蜜汤剂“JAMSI”显示非常显著的即刻降血糖功效;此外在被研究的患者中没有发现任何严重不良反应。有关该药剂的中长期效果有待继续研究证明。
English Summary:
      To study the immediate hypoglycemic effect of Andrographis-fermented honey oral solution formula “JAMSI” (produced by PT Mahkotadewa Indonesia; registered at Indonesian Food and Drugs Authority:TR053649111) among 34 hyperglycemic volunteers.Methods:This study was designed as a pre and post treatment’s effect evaluation among hyperglycemic volunteers. Volunteers were recruited from visitors to the “JAMSI” boothe during the study, who were hyperglycemic and ready to be tested with the “Jamsi” remedy under study. Their blood sugar were tested using glucometer Accu-Chek Active (made in Germany) before and one hour after consuming the “JAMSI” oral solution. The paired blood sugar data were analyzed using student-t test with paired samples, one sided, with significance cut off point α=0.05.Results:During two study days on 16th and 23rd February 2013 in Jakarta, there were 34 volunteers eligible to the study. They consisted of 20 female and 14 male, among which 20 volunteers were still consuming western hypoglycemic medicine. Their age ranged from 22 to 74 years (52.26 ±10.10 years), with diabetes mellitus history ranging from 1 to 33 years (9.36±8.27 years).Their average capillary blood sugar level before consumption of the tested “jamu” remedy was (243.03±97.97) mg/dl and one hour after consumption of the remedy was (197.94±100.01) mg/dl. The difference was highly significant (P<0.01). Analysis upon those with initial blood sugar above 200 mg/dl versus those with lower than 200 mg/dl indicated that the reduction of blood sugar level was more prominent among those with higher initial blood sugar level (table-3). The hypoglycemic effect was not significantly differently (P>0.05) between those still consuming oral antidiabetic drugs and those not consuming oral antidiabetic drugs.Conclusion:The “JAMSI” remedy under study showed very significant immediate hypoglycemic effect and apparently free from serious utoward effects among the tested volunteers. More studies are required to assess the medium and long term effects of the “JAMSI” remedy.
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