引用本文:刘 瑞 鲍艳举 花宝金.《黄帝内经》中气机升降理论思想的探讨[J].世界中医药,2014,9(03):.  
Discussion on the Theory of Ascending and Descending of Functional Activities of Qi in Huangdi Neijing
中文关键词:  气机  升降学说  黄帝内经
English Keywords:Qi activity  Descending of functional activities of qi  Huangdi Neijing
刘 瑞 鲍艳举 花宝金 中国中医科学院广安门医院肿瘤科北京100053 
摘要点击次数: 1310
全文下载次数: 3664
English Summary:
      The theory of ascending and descending of functional activities of qi is an important part of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory system, and it highly generalizes the zang-fu characteristics, function of gasification and the entire human body life activities from the dynamic perspective.Huangdi Neijing established academic idea of the theory of ascending and descending of functional activities of qi, which not only made people realize that everything had ascending and descending activities of qi in nature, but also established the basic principle of human body movements theory, mainly including establishing the ascending and descending path of Yin and Yang, clarifying the generation, transformation, and metabolic processes of qi, blood and body fluid in the human body, explaining zang-fu organs physiological characteristics, clarifying the pathologic changes of the disease, formulating therapeutic principle and method, explaining drug ascending and descending properties.The basic theory provides theoretical foundation for posterity explaining and developing the theory of ascending and descending of functional activities of qi, therefore it is worth further exploration.
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