引用本文:刘 伟 袁 媛.北京市某二级医院住院患者抗菌药物使用情况调查分析[J].世界中医药,2014,9(03):.  
Survey on Antibiotics Application on Inpatients in A Secondary Hospital in Beijing
中文关键词:  住院患者  抗菌药物  临床应用
English Keywords:Inpatient  Antibiotics  Clinical application
刘 伟 袁 媛 北京市西城区广外医院药剂科北京100055 
摘要点击次数: 1242
全文下载次数: 1211
English Summary:
      To analyze the application condition of antibiotics among inpatients in different departments, and provide reference for standardizing antibiotics usage in clinical practice in future pharmaceutical care.Methods:Four hundred and twenty six case reports of patients discharged from Jan.2013 to Jun.2013 in our hospital that were given antibiotics were analyzed, in terms of proportion of antibiotics application, clinical selection of antibiotics types, antibiotics combination, DDDS and DUI, as well as distribution of pathogens of the same hospitalization period, to comprehensively analyze the use of antibiotics agents.Results:The proportion of antibiotics application was58.36%; single usage of one kind of antibiotics was 67.65%.Combined application of antibiotics was mainly the usage of two kinds of drugs. Top 10 DDDs were mainly drugs of cephalosporins, among which restricted antibiotics were the majority. Most DUI were less than 1.0, which were basically rational. The rule of selecting antibiotics was mainly based on experience, rarely in accordance with pathologic examination results, so the diseases were poorly targeted.Conclusion:Antibiotics usage proportion in Guangwai hospital among inpatients meets the criteria of Ministry of Health. However, the indications, adverse reactions and principles of applying antibiotics are not fully grasped, and there is antibiotics abuse to some extent. Training and medication supervision need to be strengthened, so as to strictly control the clinical application of antibiotics.
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