引用本文:陈 晟 王宝凯 相 莉 霍宇薇 郭盛楠 赵吉平.“肺与大肠相表里”理论与荨麻疹诊治相关性探析[J].世界中医药,2014,9(04):.  
Analysis of the Correlation between the “Exterior-interior Relations of Lung and Large Intestine” Theory and Treatment on Urticaria
中文关键词:  肺与大肠相表里  荨麻疹  相关性
English Keywords:Lung and large intestine being interior-exteriorly related  Urticarial  Correlation
陈 晟 王宝凯 相 莉 霍宇薇 郭盛楠 赵吉平 北京中医药大学东直门医院北京100700 
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English Summary:
      It is believed in TCM that the lung and the large intestine collaborate physiologically with each influence each other pathologically, and both are correlated to the skin and hair directly or indirectly. Urticaria is a common seen allergic dermatitis, and its treatment is closely relevant to the theory of “exterior-interior relations of lung and large intestine”. The link is not only can be seen in the pathogenesis but also can be seen in the clinical treatment. The theory is widely used in the prevention and treatment of dermopathic disease, and more over, it can be instructive to the therapy of exogenous disease and internal miscellaneous disease.
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