引用本文:李奥杰1,2 徐 远2 高彩霞1 徐志强1.印会河教授从肝论治腹泻型肠易激综合征经验举隅[J].世界中医药,2014,9(04):.  
The Clinical Experience of Professor Yin Huihe Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome Caused by Diarrhea from Therapy on Liver
中文关键词:  腹泻  肠易激综合征  名老中医  @印会河
English Keywords:Diarrhea  Irritable bowel syndrome  Veteran and famous TCM doctors  Yin Huihe
李奥杰1,2 徐 远2 高彩霞1 徐志强1 1 北京中医药大学,北京,100029
2 中日友好医院,北京,100029 
摘要点击次数: 1201
全文下载次数: 1840
English Summary:
      Professor Yin Huihe has developed the differentiation method of grasping the main symptoms, and formed the unique therapeutic system to treat many kinds of disease, which has creative thoughts and good clinical effects in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome caused by diarrhea. Most of these diseases can be divided into two forms: one is induced by dampness retained in the intestine caused by spleen deficiency due to stagnation of liver qi, which is called painful diarrhea; and the other one is caused by the liver fire invading the stomach and leads to the pathogenic heat invading the large intestine, which is named heat diarrhea. The heat diarrhea is often treated by Wujiwan, which has been one of the important prescriptions used by professor Yin to practice the principle of grasping the main symptoms when treating the diseases.
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