引用本文:李贤俏 杨金生 李基赫.浅谈中国与韩国刮痧疗法的研究简况及展望[J].世界中医药,2014,9(05):.  
Current Stiuation and Prospeets on Scraping Therapy in China and South Korea
中文关键词:  刮痧疗法  韩国刮痧
English Keywords:Scraping  Scraping in South Korea
李贤俏 杨金生 李基赫 中国中医科学院针灸研究所北京100700 
摘要点击次数: 1246
全文下载次数: 1304
English Summary:
      For discussing about researching and current development of scraping in South Korea, this study analyses in terms of developing of scraping, basic theory, clinical application and sientific research of scraping in South Korea. It is shown that Chinese scraping, as a kind of non-medicinal treatment method, is used relatively universerly in South Korea in recent years and the basic theoretical research and clinical research are becoming increasingly intensive. In China, scraping has been recognized as a treatment method that has specific characteristics of traditional Chinese mesdicine, wheras in Korea, scraping is not recognized by the academic field of medicine. Therefore, it is more likely used in skin beauty salons and private clinics rather than applied in a wider range. Following is introduction of the study.
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