引用本文:林秋霞1 韦企平2.杞菊甘露饮及杞菊甘露饮配合针刺治疗肺肾阴虚型干眼症的临床研究[J].世界中医药,2014,9(07):.  
Clinical Study on Qiju Ganlu Yin and Qiju Ganlu Yin combined with Acupuncture treating Dry Eye Syndrome of Lung-kidney Yin Deficiency Type in Singapore
中文关键词:  杞菊甘露饮  针刺治疗  干眼症  肺肾阴虚型
English Keywords:Qiju Ganlu Yin  Dry eye disease  Acupuncture  Lung-kidney yin deficiency type
林秋霞1 韦企平2 1 北京中医药大学北京100029 2 北京中医药大学东方医院眼科北京100078 
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      目的:探讨杞菊甘露饮及杞菊甘露饮配合针刺治疗肺肾阴虚型干眼症的疗效。方法:2012年10月至2013年8月在新加坡中华医院眼科组就诊的肺肾阴虚型干眼症患者90例。随机分为组1(杞菊甘露饮组)45例和组2(杞菊甘露饮配合针刺组)45例。2组均口服杞菊甘露饮,组2加针刺治疗,疗程均为30 d。结果:1)组1及组2的标准干眼症测量评分(Standard Patient Evaluation of Eye Dryness,SPEED),视觉模拟量化评分(Visual Analogue Scale Score,VAS)以及中医肺肾阴虚积分治疗前后均有统计学意义(P<0.05),但2组间疗效比较则无统计学意义(P>0.05)。泪膜破裂时间(tear break-up time,TBUT)在2组间疗效比较显示差异有统计学意义,组1高于组2(P=0.000<0.01)。泪液分泌试验(Schirmer I test,SIt),组1显示泪液数量在治疗前后差异存在统计学意义(P=0.04<0.05),组2治疗前后差异无统计学意义(P=0.668>0.05)。2)总有效率:SPEED,组1是54.4%,组2是53.3%。VAS,组1是61%,组2是55.5%。中医肺肾阴虚积分的总有效率,组1是68.18%,组2是71.11%。结论:单用杞菊甘露饮或杞菊甘露饮配合针刺治疗肺肾阴虚型干眼症均有效,两者在疗效上无统计学意义。研究结果提示新加坡卫生部或可考虑除西医常规治疗外,也可让不同规格的各级医院根据其自身条件,技术设备以及患者的依从性选择中药治疗或中药配合针刺治疗干眼症。
English Summary:
      To evaluate the efficacy of TCM herbal medicine “Qiju Ganlu Yin” in treating dry eye, compared to the same herbal preparation with acupuncture.Methods:At Singapore Chung Hwa Medical Institution during the period from October 2012-September 2013, a total of 90 subjects with dry eye of lung-kidney yin deficiency type were recruited. This included 45 in Group 1, the oral TCM Herbal Medicine Group, and 45 in Group 2, the TCM Combined Herbal and acupuncture Group. Acupuncture was performed twice a week, 20 minutes each session, for a period of 30 days.Results:1) The difference of Pre-and post-treatment score of SPSS, VAS,TCM lung and kidney yin deficiency score were statistically significant in both groups (P<0.05).However, no significant differences were found between the two groups (P>0.05). Pre-and post-treatment measurements of Schirmer 1 test (SIt) and TBUT test were performed. At the post treatment visit, Group 1 had significantly higher TBUT than Group 2 (P<0.05). SIt (mm/5 min) was improved in Group 1 (P=0.04<0.05) but not 2 (P=0.668>0.05). 2) In terms of symptoms, the total % improvement in SPEED was similar at 54.4% and 53.3% for Groups 1 and 2 respectively. The percentage improvement in the VAS in Group 1 and 2 was 61% and 55.5% respectively. Furthermore, the rate of TCM lung and kidney yin deficiency score aggregated was 68.18% in Group 1 and 71.11% in Group 2.Conclusion:The findings demonstrate the potential usefulness of TCM treatment in commonly seen dry eye disease in Singapore. In this study, acupuncture does not demonstrate any additional therapeutic effect over and above herbal medication alone. The result findings suggest that with more research, TCM herbal medicine may be used as an alternative approach to treat dry eyes in Singapore.
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