引用本文:王 宁1,2 刘瓦利2 庄国康2 陈可冀3.慢性斑块型银屑病“痰浊阻遏营卫不和”兼证的研究[J].世界中医药,2014,9(07):.  
The Study on the Chronic Plaque-type Psoriasis with the TCM Syndrome of Phlegm-obstructing and Disharmony between Yingfen and Weifen
中文关键词:  银屑病  斑块型  辨证分型  痰浊阻遏
English Keywords:Psoriasis  Plague-type  TCM syndrome differentiation  Phlegm-obstructing
王 宁1,2 刘瓦利2 庄国康2 陈可冀3 1北京中医药大学研究生院北京1000292中国中医科学院广安门医院皮肤科北京100053 3中国中医科学院西苑医院心血管中心北京100091 
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English Summary:
      To explore the clinical features of chronic plague-type psoriasis patients with TCM syndrome of phlegm-obstructing and disharmony between yingfen and weifen. Methods: We collected clinical data of 173 patients with chronic plaque-type psoriasis in 1 year followed-up period to find the difference between TCM syndromes. Results:Patients with the TCM syndrome of phlegm-obstructing and disharmony between yingfen and weifen were often seen symptoms such as anidrosis, feeling oppressed, heavy head as if swathed, heavy limbs, regular pain, lethargy, plump tongue, dark purple colored tongue, sublingual varices, greasy coating and stringy pulse, and showed less satisfactory treatment result (P<0.05). Conclusion: Chronic plague-type psoriasis patients with TCM syndrome of phlegm-obstructing and disharmony between yingfen and weifen were different from psoriasis patients of other syndromes in terms of symptoms and therapeutic methods, therefore they should be distinguished carefully, and treated properly.
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