引用本文:韩桂玲 李得民 张纾难.补肺活血中药对间质性肺病合并肺部感染患者肺功能的影响[J].世界中医药,2014,9(08):.  
Clinical Effect of Invigorating Lung and Activating Blood TCM Herbs on Lung Function in Interstitial Lung Disease Patients with Pulmonary Infection
中文关键词:  补肺活血  中药  间质性肺病  肺部感染  肺功能
English Keywords:Invigorating lung and activating blood  TCM herb  Interstitial lung disease  Pulmonary infection  Lung function
韩桂玲 李得民 张纾难 中日友好医院中医肺病科北京100029 
摘要点击次数: 1295
全文下载次数: 1570
English Summary:
      To investigate the clinical efficacy of Chinese traditional herbs for interstitial lung disease (ILD) patients with pulmonary infection.Methods:Eighty one patients were randomly divided into two groups.The 41 patients in treatment group were applied with the western standard regimen plus Chinese traditional herbs that could invigorate lung and activate blood.The other 40 patients in control group were treated with standard western regimen alone.By observing changes in lung function,artery blood,gas tension and hospitalization days,the efficacy of two therapeutic measures were evaluated.Results:After treatment,significant improvements of partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO2),total lung capacity,carbon monoxide diffusing capacity were found in both groups (P<0.05),while patients in treatment group achieved a mean total lung capacity of (70.44±8.07)% (vs.control group,P=0.012),carbon monoxide diffusion rate of (69.56±11.96)% (vs.control group,P=0.025) and hospitalization days of (10.93±2.38) days (vs.control group,P=0.017).The PaO2 was (75.41±7.47) mmHg in treatment group which was significantly improved compared to (72.23±5.36) mmHg in control group (P=0.030).Conclusion:TCM herbs that can invigorate lung and activate blood can improve the lung diffusing capacity and hypoxic condition,as well as shorten the hospitalization days in ILD patients with pulmonary infection.
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