引用本文:柴仲秋1,2 王迎东1 张俊仲1 刘 维3 周 冰1.大肠癌中医证候微观辨证的研究进展[J].世界中医药,2014,9(08):.  
Research Progress on Microscopic Syndrome Differentiation of Colorectal Cancer
中文关键词:  大肠癌  中医证型  微观辨证
English Keywords:Colorectal cancer  TCM syndromes  Microscopic syndrome differentiation.
柴仲秋1,2 王迎东1 张俊仲1 刘 维3 周 冰1 1 天津市滨海新区塘沽中医医院天津300450 2 天津中医药大学天津300193 3 天津中医药大学第一附属医院天津300193 
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English Summary:
      To summarize and analyze the research progress on microcosmic syndrome differentiation of colorectal cancer. Methods: Electronic and manual retrieval were used to go through literatures from 2003 to 2013 in CNKI and Wan Fang DATA on microscopic syndrome differentiation of colorectal cancer. Results: Literatures on microscopic syndromes differentiation of colorectal cancer focused on several aspects of pathological type and stage, serum markers, gene and protein expression, lesion, metastasis and cachexia situation, etc. Conclusion: Because there is no acknowledged standard on the TCM syndrome differentiation of colorectal cancer, and the corresponding methods are not yet mature, the studies of colorectal cancer microscopic syndromes differentiation need to further increase the sample size and improve research techniques.
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