引用本文:姜 萍 周丽宁.基于古代方药组方规律探讨痹证从脏腑辨治的特点[J].世界中医药,2014,9(09):.  
Exploration on the Characteristics of Treating Bi Syndrome from the Aspect of Zang-fu Syndrome Differentiation Based on the Ancient Prescription Regularity
中文关键词:  痹证  组方规律  性味归经
English Keywords:Bi syndrome  Composing principle  Property  Flavor and meridian distribution
姜 萍 周丽宁 山东中医药大学济南250011 
摘要点击次数: 1326
全文下载次数: 1483
English Summary:
      To collect the ancient prescriptions for the treatment of Bi syndrome in Prescriptions of Traditional Chinese Medicine Dictionary and analyze their characteristics,and to explore basic formulas for the treatment of Bi syndrome and its characteristics of syndrome differentiation of viscera.Methods:Literature research and statistics analysis were conducted to summarize the prescriptions about treating Bi syndrome in Prescriptions of Traditional Chinese Medicine Dictionary,and database of ancient formulas was established.The frequency,distribution and the property,flavor and meridian of the herbals were counted.The regularity of basic formulas for the treatment of Bi syndrome was analyzed and explored.Results:The medicinal property for treating Bi syndrome was given priority to warm drugs.Medicinal flavor were mostly pungent,bitter,sweet.Meridian distribution was mainly for liver,kidney,spleen.Basic formulas of the ancient treatment for Bi syndrome was summarized,and the new idea of treating Bi syndrome from liver and spleen was put forward.
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