引用本文:郑 齐.中医眼科诊疗理论框架的沿革与解析[J].世界中医药,2014,9(11):.  
Evolution and Analysis on Diagnosis and Treatment Theory Framework of Chinese Traditional Ophthalmology
中文关键词:  中医眼科  诊疗理论  框架  沿革
English Keywords:Chinese traditional ophthalmology  Diagnosis and Treatment  Theory Framework  Evolution
郑 齐 中国中医科学院中医基础理论研究所北京100700 
摘要点击次数: 1040
全文下载次数: 1409
      中医眼科诊疗理论框架的发展,大体经历了以下四个阶段: 1)奠基:从《黄帝内经》成书到唐以前,中医学对眼的解剖、生理、眼与脏腑的关系等方面的认识,为诊疗理论框架的形成奠定了理论基础;通过临床实践,积累了对眼病病因病机的认识与针灸、药物治疗的经验。2)呈现:从唐至元末,《外台秘要》以病统方的编写体例,初具中医眼科诊疗理论框架的雏形,宋代医著的眼科部分多仿此例,在内容上不断充实。3)丰富:元末至明代,出现了多种特色鲜明的诊疗理论框架,有内外障七十二证体系与七十二证体系之外的诊疗理论框架两类,互有争鸣。4)完善:清代,重在调整与充实元、明以来出现的理论框架,同时加强对于指导眼科诊疗一般性规律的提炼。
English Summary:
      This paper argues that diagnosis and treatment theory framework of Chinese traditional ophthalmology has gone through four phases: 1) Foundation: From the time when Huang Di Nei Jing was written to Tang Dynasty, TCM established sound theoretical basis and accumulated rich experience.2) Presentation: From Tang Dynasty to the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Wai Tai Mi Yao established the embryonic form of this framework, medical works constantly enriched this framework in Song Dynasty. 3) Abundance: From the end of Yuan Dynasty to Ming Dynasty, many distinctive framework had been established. There were two types of framework: system of seventy-two syndromes and frame works outside of this system. 4) Improvement and perfection: The framework of Yuan and Ming Dynasty had been adjusted and enriched, general rules had been abstracted guiding in diagnosis and treatment of ophthalmology in Qing Dynasty.
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