引用本文:贾 春 华.关于辨证求因认知进路推理模式的研究[J].世界中医药,2014,9(11):.  
Research on the Inference Model of Seeking the Cause of Disease from Syndrome differentiation
中文关键词:  辨证求因  辨证论治  类比/隐喻推理  溯因推理  最佳说明的推理
English Keywords:Seeking the Cause of Diseases from syndrome differentiation  syndrome differentiation and Treatment  Analogic or Metaphorical Reasoning  Abduction  Inference by Best Explanation
贾 春 华 北京中医药大学基础医学院北京100029 
摘要点击次数: 1363
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English Summary:
      To research the inference model of seeking the cause of disease from syndrome differentiation from the perspective of cognitive science. Methods: Firstly, reviewed analogic reasoning, abduction and inference by best explanation in the context of cognitive science, reviewed the thinking transformation in the process of syndrome differentiation, which is the core theory of TCM. Secondly, analyzed the logical structure of the cognitive process of seeking the cause of disease from syndrome differentiation, then made comparisons between the Qu Lei Bi Xiang and analogy or metaphor, between Si Wai Chuai Nei and abduction, between seeking the cause of diseases from syndrome differentiation and inference by best explanation. Results: There are similarities or compatibilities between the cognitive structure of seeking the cause of diseases from syndrome differentiation and analogic/ metaphorical reasoning, abduction and inference by best explanation. Conclusion:The process of seeking the cause of diseases from syndrome differentiation contains analogic or metaphorical reasoning, abduction from methodology of TCMs understanding of diseases, as well as best explanation, which reveal the inference structure of syndrome differentiation.
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