引用本文:凌 丽1,2 沈俊逸2 耿 赟2 鲁婵婵2 王 蓓2 马智慧2 陈 淼3 方邦江2.方邦江教授序贯防治中风病学术思想撷英[J].世界中医药,2014,9(11):.  
Professor Fang Bangjiangs Academic Thoughts of Sequential Prevention and Treatment of Stroke
中文关键词:  @ 方邦江  中风病  学术思想
English Keywords:@ Fang Bangjiang  Stroke  Academic thoughts
凌 丽1,2 沈俊逸2 耿 赟2 鲁婵婵2 王 蓓2 马智慧2 陈 淼3 方邦江2 1 上海中医药大学附属市中医医院,上海,200071
2 上海中医药大学附属龙华医院,上海,200032
3 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院,上海,200092 
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全文下载次数: 1543
English Summary:
      This article is to introduce professor Fang Bangjiangs academic thoughts of sequential prevention and treatment of stroke, according to understanding of etiology and pathogenesis and the law governing prescription of stroke, in order to provide a new way for the treatment of stroke. He puts forward prevention before onset to keep the balance of yin and yang, with focus on the control of risk factors of hypertension and diabetes mellitus; prevention from deterioration, in acute stage we can apply the method of Fuyuanxingnao to save the crisis; and equal emphasis on prevention and treatment, in recovery stage and sequel stage attention shall be paid to treatment of “Long illness will be deficiency”, “collaterals invaded by prolonged illness ”and “Long illness is to be Bi Zheng” and to prevent the recurrence of stroke at the same time.
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