引用本文:黄倩兰1 阳仁达2 周 灿1 谢 力1.恒河猴感觉皮层手区切除后的脑功能重组[J].世界中医药,2014,9(12):.  
Rhesus sensory cortex hand area after resection of brain functional reorganization
中文关键词:  恒河猴  皮层切除  面口合谷收  脑功能重组
English Keywords:Rhesus monkeys  Sensory cortex resection  Neurons discharge  Brain function reorganization  Diseases of the face and mouth apply Hegu
黄倩兰1 阳仁达2 周 灿1 谢 力1 1 湖南中医药大学2011级硕士研究生长沙410208 2 湖南中医药大学针灸推拿学院长沙410208 
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English Summary:
      To study the effect of removal of the hand area in rhesus monkeys sensory cortex on the reorganization of brain function,and explore in pathological situations whether the cerebral cortex would make a compensation for regulating the sensory function of face,mouth and the hand area,so as to reveal possible biological mechanisms of the “diseases of the face and mouth apply Hegu” theory.Methods:To obtain experimental models by Surgically removing the rhesus the hand area of sensory cortex,search for neuron discharge of rhesus monkeys sensory cortex through the extracellular recording by microelectrode,and observe changes in neurons periphery reception field within the area of the hand and face in sensory cortex.Results:Three months after resection of rhesus monkeys hand area in sensory cortex,those originally reacted to facial stimulation now react to both the stimulations from face and hands.Conclusion:1)The lose of the hand area in sensory cortex lead to functional reorganization both in the face and forearm area. At the same time, the face and forearm area are gradually expand to the hand area. 2)Functional reorganization seems to have a certain tendency, that is to say the functional reorganization between face area and hand area are stronger then the functional reorganization between forearm area and hand area. 3)Under pathological condition, the functional reorganization of hand area and face area in cerebral cortex maybe the biological mechanism of the “diseases of the face and mouth apply Hegu”.
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