Study and Prospective of Structural Characterization of TCM Syndrome
中文关键词:  证候结构表征  证候判定规范  证候疗效评价  证候物质基础  方剂配伍规律  前景展望
English Keywords:Structural characterization of syndrome  Determination of syndrome standardization  Evaluation of therapeutic effect of syndrome  Syndrome material basis  Compatibility law of formula  Prospective
孙喜灵1,郑秋生2,林霞3,王永华4,王振华5,刘孟安6,王斌胜2 1 滨州医学院(烟台校区)中医证候研究中心烟台264003 2 滨州医学院(烟台校区)烟台264003 3 山东省中医证候研究重点实验室烟台264003 4 中国中医科学院北京100070 5 烟台大学生命科学院烟台264003 6 烟台长恩医院烟台264003 
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English Summary:
      Among todays TCM theoretical fundamental research,there are four major fields including determination of syndrome standardization,the evaluation of therapeutic effect of syndrome,the syndrome material basis and the compatibility law of formula.The common and key scientific problem is to solve the syndrome of structural characterization of TCM,so as to enhance the veracity of the treatment based on syndrome differentiation and clinical effects.This research took spleen qi deficiency as an example,through the confirm of the theory of evidence results with the clinical data analysis,and revealed the structural feature of syndrome.Eventually the mathematical model of topological structure of TCM syndrome was established and the basic mathematical science of TCM theoretical system was excavated,which reflected the TCM theoretical law and clinical characteristic on the syndrome basic research,and had a vast application prospect.
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