Treatment and Syndrome Differentiation of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
中文关键词:  糖尿病周围神经病变  病因病机  中药  辨证论治
English Keywords:Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy  Medical etiology  Traditional Chinese medicine  Syndrome differentiation and treatment
杨婉花,张碧瑶,黄菁菁 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院上海200025 
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全文下载次数: 1959
      目的:分析概括糖尿病周围神经病变(Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy,DPN)的临床表现、中医学病因病机以及中药治疗方法。方法:通过查阅文献,归纳概括经典的DPN病因病机,并根据其特点进行辨证分型,再论治相应的中药治疗。结果:针对DPN的临床表现和病因病机辨证论治,采用了近年来经临床观察疗效显著具有代表性的药物治疗处方,详述了经典的DPN古籍药方、单味中药运用治疗和新型的医院制剂。结论:DPN发病机理复杂多变,虽然高血糖是DPN发病的始动因素,但它的发生发展还和其他因素有关。中医学上把DPN归于“消渴病”范畴。根据其临床表现和病因病机,通过辨证论治采用益气养阴、温阳补肾、化痰祛瘀、活血通络的方法可以显著改善DPN临床症状。
English Summary:
      To analyze and summarize the clinical manifestation of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) as well as the medical etiology and to seek for the classic treatment with Chinese herbs for DPN. Methods:The classical DPN etiology was summarized and concluded by referring to the domestic and foreign lecture. Differentiation was carried out for DPN according to the characteristics with corresponding prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine. Results:According to the syndrome differentiation and treatment of clinical DPN manifestation, as well as the etiology and pathogenesis, the representative drug therapy with effective curative effect through clinical observation over the past years was adopted, and the classical DPN ancient prescription, application of single Chinese herb and hospital preparation were illustrated in details. Conclusion:The pathogenesis of DPN is complicated and changeable. Although hyperglycemia is the initial factor of DPN, its occurrence and development are also related to other factors. In the traditional Chinese medicine, DPN is attributed to the range of ‘diabetes’. According to its clinical manifestation and etiology, the clinical manifestation of DPN can be improved notably through syndrome differentiation and treatment of tonifying qi and yin, warming yang and tonifying kidney, reducing phlegm and removing stasis, promoting blood circulation to remove meridian obstruction.
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