TCM Syndrome and Factors of High Risk Population of Stoke with Hypertension
中文关键词:  高血压  脑卒中  高危人群  证候要素
English Keywords:Key Words〓Hypertension  Stroke  High risk population  Syndrome factor
基金项目:2011年医改重大专项“国家脑卒中高危人群筛查与干预试点项目”;北京中医药大学研究创新团队项目(编号:2011 CXTD 23);2011年北京市科技计划项目(编号:Z111107056811040);2014年中医药行业专项(编号:201407100)
郝颖1,张允岭2,张志辰2,李涛3,吴业清4,吴海涛5,王建伟1,陈宝鑫2 1 北京中医药大学,北京,100029 2 北京中医药大学东方医院,北京,100078 3 山西省中医院,太原,030012 4 北京兴隆中医院北京100141 5 北京卢沟桥医院北京100165 
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English Summary:
      To observe the syndrome factors of high risk group of stroke and hypertension, so as to provide support for Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) syndrome differentiation and treatment. Methods:A total of 739 patients conforming to the criteria of the high risk of stroke population and hypertension were selected from Beijing Lugouqiao and Xinglong community health service centers, then were divided into three levels, I, II, III according to the levels of blood pressure. Risk of stroke was in reference to the reform of “2011 Major Projects National Stroke High risk Population Screening and Intervention Pilot Project”. The syndrome factors were extracted with factor analysis. Results:The main syndrome factors of the 739 patients were as follows: qi deficiency(16.0%), yin deficiency(14.6%), fire heat(14.6%), yang deficiency(11.0%). Among them, deficiency syndrome(52.8%) is the most common one, and phlegm and blood stasis are also frequent to be seen. Qi deficiency and yin deficiency were high frequency syndrome factors in all levels of hypertension. The fire heat syndrome distribution was higher in level I and level III. Conclusion:Among high risk populations with hypertension, blood, qi, yin or yang deficiency are the root cause of such disease, and dampness and stasis are the manifestations of all stages. Fire heat is the most obvious symptom.
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