Analysis on Composition Rules of Qi Tonic of Chinese Patent Medicine Based on Association Rules and Clustering Algorithm
中文关键词:  补气药  关联规则  熵聚类
English Keywords:Qi tonic  Association rules  Clustering algorithm
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划课题(编号:2007BAI10B01);北京市中医药科技发展基金课题(编号:JJ 2010 70);北京中医药大学科研创新团队项目资助(编号:2011 CXTD 14);北京中医药大学“重点学科”开放课题(编号:2013 ZDXKKF 19);北京市与中央在京高校共建项目(编号:BJGJ1420);北京中医药大学与北京灸道堂中医研究院横向合作课题(编号:BUCM JDT 001)
吴嘉瑞,金燕萍,张冰,张晓朦,周唯,杨冰 北京中医药大学北京100029 
摘要点击次数: 1172
全文下载次数: 1307
      目的:探讨常用补气类中成药组方规律。方法:收录《新编国家中成药》中的补气类中成药处方,采用关联规则apriori算法和复杂系统熵聚类等方法,确定处方中药物的使用频次及药物之间的关联规则等。结果:高频次药物包括黄芪、当归、熟地黄、茯苓、白术等;高频次药物组合包括“当归、黄芪”“熟地黄、当归”“白芍、当归”等;置信度较高的关联规则包括“川芎、熟地黄 >当归”“白芍、熟地黄 >当归”等。结论:处方用药中除常见的补气类中药外,尚包括具有养阴、生津、补血作用的部分补益药及其他类药物。
English Summary:
      To explore the composition rules of qi tonic of Chinese patent medicine. Methods: The formula of qi tonic of Chinese patent medicine in The New National Medicine were collected to achieve the frequency of herbs and association rules between herbs by the methods of association rules with apriori algorithm and complex system clustering algorithm. Results: The most frequently used herbs were Milkvetch Root, Chinese Angelica, Prepared Rehmannia Root, Indian Bread, White Atractylodes Rhizome etc. The most frequently used herb combinations were Chinese Angelica and Milkvetch Root, Prepared Rehmannia Root and Milkvetch Root, as well as Debark Peony Root and Prepared Rehmannia Root etc. The herbs with a high confidence degree of association rules include “Sichuan Lovage Rhizome, Prepared Rehmannia Root >Chinese Angelica”, “Debark Peony Root, Prepared Rehmannia Root >Chinese Angelica” etc. Conclusion: Besides qi tonifying herbs, the Chinese patent medicine prescriptions of the type also include some tonics with yin nourishing, fluid production and blood tonifying herbs etc.
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